The Montenetto is a unique plateau comprised between the municipalities of Capriano del Colle, Flero and Poncarale, isolated from the northern part of Lower Brescia. Wide and low, its relief is the result of an underground movement that took place during the Riss Ice Age and was then modelled into the shape of a trunk by post-glacial floods that deposited a layer of marine sediments, which have been transformed over the centuries into the characteristic clays that compose it.

The rainfall is on average lower than in the surrounding area, due to the currents that are diverted from the hill itself, and temperatures are about two degrees lower with more ventilation.

The soil, besides clay, is also made up of limestone and a low fraction of fine sand. This composition classifies it among heavy, cold soils, which are not very suitable for agriculture in general, but particularly suited for viticulture, also thanks to their excellent exposure.

Wherever plants are in difficulty, vine gives the best of itself.

Proof of this are the different types of wines produced here, in particular the high potential expressed by the autochthonous varieties such as Marzemino and Trebbiano.

Il Marzemino

Capriano del Colle Doc Marzemino is absolutely the most representative wine of our terroir and it must be produced with grapes coming from 100% Marzemino vineyards.

Un vino con caratteristiche organolettiche precise, elegante e morbido.

Dal colore rosso rubino tendente al granato con l’invecchiamento, all’olfatto si presenta delicato, gradevole, ampio e leggermente vinoso, con sentori di frutta matura, di sottobosco e violetta.

Nel 2011 il Marzemino di Capriano del Colle ha ottenuto il riconoscimento DOC, grazie al lavoro meticoloso iniziato nel 2001 dalla Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano in collaborazione con Tenuta la Vigna e altre aziende del Montenetto; lavoro che ha riportato alla luce i cloni di Marzemino autoctoni secolari, riproducendoli in vivai certificati e ottenendo la certificazione dal Ministero delle politiche agricole.

Capriano del Colle Doc Marzemino