Tenuta La Vigna


Products sold on this site

Wines produced by Az. Agr. Tenuta La Vigna di Anna Botti, as well as personalized merchandising items (corkscrews, aprons, ice buckets, stoppers…) are sold on this site.

The items in the catalogue are always available, however in the case of non-availability of one of the products you have ordered, we will contact you promptly; you can cancel the order receiving an immediate refund of the amount you have paid or you can change the order by adding items that are available for delivery.

The actual availability of a product is indicative in the order process.

The photos included are indicative and not a guarantee of product quality. Moreover, the photograph does not always show the year actually on sale. Reference must be made only to the year shown in the name of the product.

Tenuta La Vigna

Termini e Condizioni

Terms and Conditions

This document provides the general terms and conditions regulating the use of the website https://www.tenutalavigna.it/tenuta/ which offers the sale of Wines, Grappa and merchandising items.


For a complete understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions, the following terms, in the singular and plural, shall have the meanings indicated below:

  • Owner:AZIENDA AGRICOLA TENUTA LA VIGNA, registered office in Cascina La Vigna, Capriano del Colle – VAT Reg. no. 03578910170 / Tax Number BTTNNA72A57B157B, Chamber of Commerce Register – 421913 email address info@tenutalavigna.it
  • Application: the website  https://www.tenutalavigna.it/
  • Products: the products supplied to the user by the Owner
  • User: any adult person who accesses and uses the Application if a natural person or any subject with a VAT number.
  • Conditions: this contract which governs the relationship between the Owner and the User and the sale or supply of the Products offered by the Owner through the Application.

Ambito di applicazione delle Condizioni

The use of the Application implies acceptance of the Terms by the User. If the User does not accept the Terms and/or any other note, information published or referred to therein, they will not be able to use the Application or its services.

The Terms may be modified at any time.

The applicable Conditions are those in force on the date of transmission of the purchase order or request for the supply of a Product.

Before using the Application, the User should carefully read the Terms and Conditions and save or print them for future reference.

The Owner reserves the right to change, at its discretion, at any time, even after the User’s registration, the graphic interface of the Application, the Contents and their organization, as well as any other aspect that characterizes the functionality and management of the Application, communicating to the User, if necessary, the relevant instructions.

Acquisto o richiesta di fornitura tramite l’Applicazione

All the Products offered through the Application are described in detail on the relevant product pages (quality, characteristics, availability, price, delivery times and costs, additional charges, etc.). There may be some errors, inaccuracies or small differences between what is published on the Application and the real Product. Moreover, any Product images are only representative and do not constitute a contractual element.

Purchases and/or supply requests are allowed to natural persons only if they are adults.

The offer of Products through the Application is an invitation to offer and the order sent by the User will be considered a contractual offer for purchase and/or request for supply, subject to confirmation and/or acceptance by the Owner as described below. Therefore, the Owner will have the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or reject the User’s order without the User being able to object or complain about anything in any way and/or for any reason.

The contract of sale or supply of products is concluded with the acceptance by the owner of the contractual offer of the user. The Owner will accept the User’s contractual offer by sending an order confirmation to the e-mail address indicated by the User or by displaying an order confirmation web page, which will indicate the order date, the User’s data, the characteristics and availability of the Product, the price or the method of calculating the price, any additional charges and taxes, the delivery address, the delivery times and any delivery costs, the procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal or its possible exclusion and the guarantee.

The contract of sale or supply of the Products shall not be considered effective between the parties in the absence of what is indicated in the previous point.

In the event that the Product is not available, the Owner will inform the User of the new terms of delivery or supply, asking whether they intend to confirm the order or not. It is understood that the contract will be concluded for the Products accepted by the Owner.

You agree to verify the accuracy of the data contained in the order confirmation and immediately notify the owner of any errors and will keep a copy of your order, its confirmation and the Conditions.


In order to use the functionalities of the Application, Users must register by providing, truthfully and completely, all the data requested in the relevant registration form and fully accept the privacy policy and the Conditions.

The User is responsible for keeping their access credentials, which must be used exclusively by the User and cannot be transferred to third parties. The User agrees to keep them secret and to ensure that no third party has access to them and to inform the Owner immediately if they suspect or become aware of any misuse or improper disclosure of the same.

The User guarantees that the personal information provided during the registration process is complete and true and agrees to hold the Owner harmless and indemnified from any damage, compensation obligation and/or sanction arising from and/or in any way related to the violation by the User of the rules on registration to the Application or the storage of registration credentials.

Cancellazione account e chiusura

The registered User may stop using the Application at any time and deactivate their account or request its cancellation through the interface of the Application, if possible, or by sending a written notice to the e-mail address info@tenutalavigna.it or by calling the customer service at +39 030 9748061

In case of violation by the User of the Terms or of the applicable legal provisions, the Owner reserves the right to suspend or close the User’s account at any time and without prior notice.

Prezzi e pagamenti

The price including VAT, if due, is shown for each product.

Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price, but are indicated and calculated at the time of the conclusion of the purchase process before making the payment.

In addition, all possible taxes, additional charges and delivery costs will be indicated, which may vary depending on the destination, the delivery method chosen and/or the payment method used. Where such items of expense cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, there will be an indication of what expenses will be charged to the User.

The Owner reserves the right to change, at any time, the price of the Products and any additional costs. It is understood that any changes in price will in no case affect contracts already concluded before the change.

The User undertakes to pay the price of the Product in the times and ways indicated in the Application and to communicate all the necessary data that may be required.

The Application uses third-party tools to process payments and does not in any way come into contact with the payment data provided (credit card number, name of the holder, password, etc.).

Should such third party instruments deny payment authorization, the Owner will not be able to provide the Products and will not be held liable in any way.

The payments accepted are listed in detail on the page Payments.


If you wish to receive an invoice, you will be asked for your billing information. For the issue of the invoice, the information provided by the user will be used and which they declare and warrant being true, releasing the owner from all the most extensive indemnity in this regard.

Modalità di consegna di Prodotti materiali

The Products will be delivered to the address provided by the User, in the way and by the date chosen or indicated on the Application and reported in the order confirmation. Unless otherwise specified, the delivery terms specified in the order confirmation indicate the period of time usually required to deliver the Product from the time the courier takes charge of it.

In the event that it is not possible to supply the Products requested, you will be notified promptly by e-mail, stating when delivery is expected or the reasons why delivery is not possible.

If the User does not intend to accept the new deadline or delivery has become impossible, they can ask for a refund of the amount paid which will be credited promptly to the same mode of payment used by the User for the purchase, no later than 14 days from the date on which the Owner became aware of the request for refund.

Upon receipt of the Product, the User is required to verify compliance with the order placed as well as the integrity of the packaging. In the event of obvious damage to the packaging and/or the Product, the User may refuse delivery of the Product and may return it at no cost to him/her. Once the delivery document has been signed, the User will not be able to contest the external characteristics of the Products delivered.

The Owner will not be liable to any party or third party for damage, losses and costs incurred as a result of failure to execute the contract due to force majeure.

Esclusione del diritto di recesso di Utenti con PARTITA IVA

Users with a VAT number do not have the right to withdraw from the contract of sale or supply of products. The User expressly recognizes that the indication in the order of a VAT number automatically qualifies it as a non-consumer user, for which the right of withdrawal is not provided.

Diritto di recesso di Utenti dall’acquisto di Prodotti

Only the User who for any reason whatsoever is not satisfied with the Product has the right to withdraw without penalty and without specifying the reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Product, by sending a written communication to the e-mail address shop@tenutalavigna.it, using the optional withdrawal form in the following article or any other written statement.

In the case of separate delivery of several Products, ordered by the User in a single order, the period of 14 days for the exercise of the right of withdrawal starts from the day on which the last Product was received.

In caso di recesso, l’Utente dovrà restituire il Prodotto al Titolare, senza indebito ritardo e in ogni caso entro e non oltre 14 giorni dalla data in cui ha comunicato la sua decisione di recedere dal contratto. L’Utente sosterrà solo il costo diretto della restituzione del Prodotto, a meno che il Titolare non abbia dichiarato di farsene carico.

In caso di recesso esercitato correttamente, il Titolare rimborserà i pagamenti ricevuti dall’Utente, nelle stesse modalità di pagamento utilizzate dall’Utente per la transazione iniziale, senza indebito ritardo e comunque entro 14 giorni dal giorno in cui l’Utente ha comunicato di voler recedere dal contratto.

Il Titolare non è tenuto a rimborsare i costi di consegna, qualora l’Utente abbia scelto espressamente un tipo di consegna diversa dal tipo meno costoso di consegna offerto dal Titolare.

Il Titolare, salvo che abbia offerto di ritirare egli stesso il Prodotto, può trattenere il rimborso finché non abbia ricevuto il Prodotto oppure finché l’Utente non abbia dimostrato di averlo rispedito.

Il Titolare non accetterà la restituzione nel caso in cui il Prodotto risulti danneggiato a causa di utilizzo improprio, negligenza, danni o alterazioni fisiche, estetiche o superficiali, manomissioni o manutenzione impropria o usura e logorio, assenza di elementi integranti del prodotto (accessori, parti, etc.). In tali casi, il Titolare provvederà a restituire al mittente il Prodotto acquistato, addebitando allo stesso le spese di spedizione.

Diritti di Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale

The Owner declares being the owner and/or licensee of all intellectual property rights relating to and/or pertaining to the Application and/or the Contents available on the Application. Therefore, all the trademarks, figurative or nominative and all the other signs, trade names, service marks, word marks, trade names, illustrations, images, logos, contents related to the Application are and remain the property of the Owner or its licensees and are protected by the current laws on trademarks and by the relevant international treaties.

The Terms do not grant the User any licence to use the Application and/or the single contents and/or materials available therein, unless otherwise regulated.

Any reproduction in any form of the explanatory texts and Contents of the Application, if not authorized, will be considered an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Owner.

Esclusione della garanzia

The Application is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and the Owner does not provide any explicit or implicit guarantee in relation to the Application, nor does it provide any guarantee that the Application will be able to satisfy the requirements of the Users or that it will never have interruptions or be free of errors or that it will be free of viruses or bugs.

The Owner will endeavour to ensure that the Application is available 24 hours a day without interruption, but cannot in any way be held liable if, for any reason, the Application is not accessible and/or operational at any time or for any period. Access to the Application may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the event of system failure, maintenance, repairs or for reasons completely beyond the control of the Owner or for events of force majeure.

Limitazione della Responsabilità

The Owner shall not be liable to the user, except in the case of fraud or gross negligence, for disservices or malfunctions related to the use of the Internet outside of its control or its suppliers.

The Owner will not be responsible for damages, losses and costs incurred by the user as a result of failure to execute the contract for reasons not attributable to it, as the User is only entitled to a full refund of the price paid and any additional charges incurred.

The Owner assumes no responsibility for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by third parties of credit cards and other means of payment, as it does not come into contact in any way with the payment data used (credit card number, name of the holder, password, etc.).

The Owner shall not be liable for:

  • any loss of business opportunity and any other loss, including indirect, that may be suffered by the User that are not a direct result of the breach of contract by the Owner;
  • incorrect or unsuitable use of the Application by Users or third parties;
  • the issuance of incorrect documents or tax data due to errors in the data provided by the User, the latter being solely responsible for the correct entry of such data;

In no case can the Owner be held responsible for a sum greater than twice the cost paid by the User ????.

Forza maggiore

The Owner cannot be held responsible for failure or delay in the performance of its obligations, for circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Owner due to force majeure or any unforeseen and unforeseeable events and which are independent of his will.

The performance of the obligations by the Owner shall be deemed suspended for the period during which events of force majeure occur.

The Owner will take any action in its power to find solutions that allow the proper fulfilment of its obligations despite the persistence of events of force majeure.

Collegamento a siti di terzi

The Application may contain links to third party sites/applications. The Owner does not exercise any control over these and, therefore, is in no way responsible for the contents of these sites/applications.

Some of these links may refer to third party sites/applications that provide services through the Application. In these cases, the general conditions for the use of the sites/applications and for the use of the service provided by the third parties will apply to the individual services, for which the Owner accepts no responsibility.


The protection and processing of personal data will take place in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which can be found at https://shop.TENUTA LA VIGNA privacy-policy

Legge applicabile e foro competente

These General Conditions of Sale are subject to Italian law. Any dispute that does not find an amicable solution will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the CUSTOMER, if located in the territory of the State.